Anette has a decade of experience as a biofeedback therapist and a desire to help others to find the health and healing that she has found through Biofeedback Frequency Therapy (SCIO device). With a focus on the interconnection between emotional, physical and mental healing, Anette pairs SCIO with a number of other modalities for a holistic approach using her personal wellness journey as a guide.
What are the benefits of a biofeedback session?
The session is structured to focus imbalances that are affecting your life and bringing those back into balance.
- Step One: Awareness of your physical, emotional and mental state of health
- Step Two: Receiving information and guidance on how and what to change
- Step Three: Running corrections with the SCIO device and making lifestyle changes
- Step Four: Repeat the therapy to address stressed organs by detoxifying and rebuilding with the device and running corrections.
What is SCIO?
Scio or Scientific Consciousness Interface Operating System is the latest technology to improve your body’s functions. The device communicates with the body to determine what energy imbalances are most affecting personal health on a physical, emotional and mental level. The frequencies balance and restore health beneficial to adults, children and pregnant women.
Initial Session (2 hours): R930 | Children under 12 years (1 1/2 hours): R690
Follow-up Sessions: R880 (2 hours)
When: Mondays and Thursdays at Kwendalo | 09:00, 11:30 or 14:00
Book treatments or enquire via, +27 44 004 0366 or +27 63 669 8006.